Saturday, April 10, 2010


christian had an appointment on wed. April 7 everything went well but I think from now on we will make the 45 min drive to Bethesda to see the OB there. if your wondering why we would want to drive the extra distance its simple i'm not too sure they know what they are doing here. first the nurse was telling her that she might be pregnant and probably should take a pregnancy test. (she was only off by about 5 months.) then the midwife didnt remeber seeing her before eventhough she was there just the last month. To make things even more questionable she had no record of her visit and she couldn't find her chart. now I understand things happen but come on. you would think the doc would create a new history to make up for the lost one but instead she spent most of the exam talking about how her own daughter was having her first appointment the next day.

April 10th
Worked on the nursery today. the crip is all set up and the window coverings are almost complete its looking more and more like a nursery every day.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

It's a GIRL

We decided to start a blog to keep all of our family updated! We'll just update now what has happened so far. At the beginning Christian had hypermesis (severe morning sickness) and we ended up going to the hospital for IV's a couple of times. Now she is feeling good and craving mostly Chocolate and Orange juice (we had to wake up at 5 a.m. and go get Orange Juice one morning).

We found out on March 30th that we are having a GIRL! We are so excited and already started shopping for clothes. There are way too many cute girl clothes! The baby is healthy and its heartrate has been in the 150's. We are going onto our 23rd week of pregnancy! We should be starting our 2 appts. a month soon. We will be updating soon!
Brandon & Christian